Mayan Hero Twins

Oil on canvas.

For Sale: Contact De La O Arts for pricing.

“The Introduction of Hunahpu and Xbalanque" is an oil on canvas measuring 5’ x 4’. The artist's inspiration for this series was sparked by his first visit to Central America.

The artist’s depiction of the Mayan Hero Twins—central figures in Popol Vuh, the sacred narrative of the Kʼicheʼ people—is a testament to his deep connection with ancestral narratives and mythologies. The Twins, named Hunahpu and Xbalanque, are portrayed as complementary forces, often identified in the Classic Mayans art (200–900 AD).

In the artist’s words, "The Twin motif recurs in many Native American mythologies; the Mayan Twins, in particular, could be considered as mythical ancestors to the Maya ruling lineages."

In the painting, the artist creates an elaborate narrative of the Twins' multiple reincarnations and their battle through the underworld against lords.

"The Introduction of Hunahpu and Xbalanque" is a powerful blend of mythology and cultural homage, making it a unique addition to contemporary art.


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