Veritas - Sir Isaac Newton

Oil on canvas.

For Sale: Contact De La O Arts for pricing.

'Veritas—Sir Isaac Newton,' stands out as an embodiment of scientific exploration and homage to one of history's greatest minds. The title, derived from the phrase of the Royal Society, encapsulates the artist's belief in evidence-backed truths, a nod to Newton's aspirations as a cosmologist and astronomer.

The artist’s deep interest in various scientific fields, including cosmology and biology, inspired this art piece—the artist’s admiration for Sir Isaac Newton, famed for his groundbreaking discoveries such as the three laws of motion and the spectrum of light, makes Newtonian gravity apparent throughout the painting. The artist intends not to depict Newton as flawless but to illuminate Newton’s exceptional ingenuity.

This piece measures 3' x 4' . The details in the painting are intricate, from the folds in the fabric to the interplay of light and dark, reminiscent of Chiaroscuro, a technique mastered by Da Vinci, Caravaggio, and Dali. This dramatic use of light enhances the composition and contributes to the narrative, adding an element of theatrics.

The artist’s accomplishment with this painting is straightforward. He aimed to create a beautiful tribute to a man whose discoveries have significantly impacted our lives.

The companion piece, “By Any Means Necessary” depicts Dr. Huey P. Newton, co-founder of the Black Panther Party. For more information, click here.

The artist hopes to sell both as a set. Ideally, the two pieces will be positioned on opposite sides of a room, creating a perfect balance of intellectualism and activism, as envisioned by the artist.

The Great Newtons


By Any Means Necessary - Dr. Huey P. Newton


Mayan Hero Twins